Advertisement No. V/2009
Date of Publication: 01-07-2009
Applications are invited from the citizens of India for
the following post(s) in different Departments of H.P. on the proforma given below by
30-07-2009. Last date for receipt of applications for the candidates residing in
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep, Ladakah Division of J&K State , Sikkim,
Assam , Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh,
Bharmour & Pangi Sub Div. of Chamba Distt. , Dodrakwar Sub Division of Shimla
Distt., Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh , whose applications
are received by post from these areas is 14-08-2009. Applications received after last
date(s) will be rejected straightway. Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given
here under against such post(s):-
Name of Post(s): Sub Editor, Class-II
(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts: 01 post reserved for
Visually impaired persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :-Rs. 6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- Should be Graduate from a recognised University: and( ii)
Degree or Diploma in the trade of Journalism or Public Relations or its equivalent from a
recognised University or an Institution duly recognised by the Government of India or
Government of Himachal Pradesh. .
Desirable Qualification.: Three years experience in Journalism as evidenced by the articles
published in the news papers /journals standing or newspapers/journals brought out by the
Govt. Publicity Organisation or experience of work of the similar nature in the office of the
news papers.
Name of Post(s): Asstt.Public Relations
Officer,Class-II(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts to be filled on contract
basis : 03 posts (General=02, General.
XSM of H.P.=01,
No. of posts to be filled on regular basis
:General Visually Impaired. of H.P.=01
(back log)
Pay Scale :- For Contractual
Posts=Rs.9600/- Fixed salary . For
Regular Post=Rs. 6400-10640/- ,
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- 1. Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognised
University .
2. Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication/Public Relations or its equivalent or post
Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication/Public Relations from a recognised
Desirable Qualifications: ii) Published material such as features and articles in Newspapers or
Journals of standing Newspapers and working experience of professional nature in any Govt. /
Public Sector Undertakings /Media Organization of standing.
(II) Department of Industries, H.P.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Geologist,
Class-I ,Gazetted,on contract basis
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
General Visually Impaired persons of
Pay Scale :-Fixed emoluments of Rs.
10830/- per month
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:(i) M.Sc. Degree in Geology or applied Geology from a
recognised University or its equivalent. Or Diploma in applied Geology from the
Indian School of Mines ,Dhanbad.(ii) 02 years practical experience in the field.
Contd. Next page.
(III) Department of Town & Country Planning ,H.P.
Name of Post(s): Senior Planning
Draughtsman ,Class-II(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts:01 post reserved for
Visually Impaired Persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :- 6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- B Tech. Degree in Urban /City/Town /Regional Planning or
its equivalent from a recognised University recognised or from an Institute duly
recognised by the Central/H.P.Govt.
(IV) Department of Agriculture, H.P.
Name of Post(s): Secretary, Class-
I,(Gazetted)Grade’A’on contract basis
No. of Posts : 05 posts(General=04,
General Visually Impaired persons of
Pay Scale :- Rs. 7220-11660/-
Contractual amount Basic Pay+D.P.
(Rs.11830/-) PM.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:(a)B.Sc.(Agr./Hort.)or M.Sc. (Agr./Hort.) followed by MBA
preferably in Agr.Business from any recognised University/Institution or diploma in
Marketing Management from recognised University or Institution.
Desirable Qualification.:(i)Possessing 05 years experience on Agricultural produce
mainly in Govt./Public Sector Undertaking Autonomous Body.
(V)Department of Health & Family Welfare.
Name of Post(s): Medical Officer, Class-
I, Gazetted,
No. of Posts: 16 posts (General XSM of
H.P.=08, Gen.Physical Handicapped of
H.P.=02, S.C.XSM of H.P.==02,
S.C.WFF of H.P.=01,S.T.XSM of H.P.=-
1, OBC of H.P.=01 & OBC XSM of
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with
initial start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications :- (a) (i) Recognised Medical qualification included in the
first or second schedule or part-II of the third schedule (other than licentiate
qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council, Act, 1956. Holders of Educational
Qualification included in Part II of third schedule should fulfil the conditions
stipulated in sub-section (3)of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.(ii)
Completion of Compulsory rotating internship.
(b) Desirable Qualification.: A post graduate qualification from a recognised
Institution in the discipline i.e. Anaesthesia ,Obstetrics , Gynaecology & Surgery
possessing MD or MS (Anaesthesiology ). FF ARCSs (By examination with)
Anaesthesiology as a special subject , speciality Board of Anaesthesiology) (U.S.A.),
MD or MS (Obstetrics & MS Midwifery & Gynaecology ) Speciality Board of obstetric
and Gynaecology (USA) and MS(Surgery/General Surgery)FRCS Speciality Board of
(VI) – (A) Public Works Department,H.P.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Engineer
(Mechanical) ,Class-I,Gazetted.(backlog)
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
Orthopaedically Handicapped persons of
H.P./Hearing Impaired persons of H.P./
(preference will be given to Orthopaedically
Handicapped Persons).
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with initial
start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications:-Must possess a degree in Mechanical Engineering or its
equivalent from an institution /University duly recognised by the Central/State Govt.
Contd. Next page.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Architect ,Class-
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
Orthopaedically Handicapped persons of
H.P./ Hearing Impaired persons of H.P./
(preference will be given to Orthopaedically
Handicapped persons.
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with initial
start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:- (i) Degree in Architecture or its equivalent from an
recognised University or an Institute duly recognised by the Central/State Govt.
(ii) At least two years experience in the field of Architecture after qualifying for the
degree in Architecture . Preference will be given to those Architects who gets
registration under the Architect Act,1972.
Name of post: Asstt.Engineer
(Electrical), Class-I Gazetted
No. of posts:01 post reserved for
General Orthopaedically Handicapped
Persons of H.P./ Hearing Impaired
persons of H.P./ (preference will be given
to Orthopaedically Handicapped persons.
Pay Scale:Rs.7880-13500/- with a start
of Rs. 8000/- (entry scale)
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.: Must possess a degree in Electrical Engineering or its
equivalent from an Institution /University recognised by Central/State Government.
(VII)Department of Technical Education ,Vocational & Industrial , H.P.
Name of Post(s): Lecturer
No. of Posts : 01 post General.
Pay Scale :- Rs.8000-13500/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:-First Class Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of
specialization in Pharmacy.
(VIII) Department of Planning,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Research
Officer,Class-II,Non Gazetted
No. of Posts:-01 post reserved for Deaf
persons of General Category of H.P..
Pay Scale :-Rs.6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:- Master’s Degree in Economics with Statistics /Master’s
Degree in Mathematics /Master’s Degree in Statistics or its equivalent from a
recognised University.
Desirable Qualifications.:- (i) Three years experience in the field of collection
compilation of statistical data. (ii) Preference will be given to those who have higher
qualifications and experience in the line.
(IX) Department of Food ,Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Law Officer
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications .:- Law Graduate with practice of at least 03 years in High
Court or District Court and experience in Income Tax, Sales Tax & contract cases in
Court or in an Office.
(X)-A Department of MPP& Power.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Engineer
(Mechanical),Class-I, Gazetted on
contract basis
No. of Posts:-01 post reserved for
Hearing Impaired Persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :-Fixed Emoluments i.e.
Basic pay Rs. 8550/-+ 50% D.P.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Contd. Next page.
Essential Qualifications.:- Recognised Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its
Desirable Qualification.:-(a) Experience of working in Design/Construction in hilly
Name of post: Asstt.Engineer Electrical ,
Class –I, Gazetted on Contract Basis .
No. of posts: Visually Impaired persons
of H.P. =02, Hearing Impaired persons
of H.P.=02(backlog)
Pay Scale: Fixed emoluments i.e. Basic
pay Rs.8550 + 50% D.P.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: Recognised Degree in Electrical Engineering(EE)/ Degree in
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) or its equivalent from recognised
Desirable Qualification.: (a) Experience of working in design /Constructions in hilly
(X)-C :
Name of Post: Asstt.Engineer (Civil)
,Class-I,Gazetted.on Contract Basis.
No. of posts: 01 post reserved for
Visually Impaired persons of H.P.
Pay Scale : Fixed emoluments i.e. Basic
Pay Rs. 8550+50% DP
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: Recognised Degree in Civil Engineering or its equivalent .
Desirable Qualification.: (a) Experience of working in Design / Construction in hilly
(XI)-(A) Department of Home,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Director,
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.10025-15100/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: a)::I): At least 2nd class Master’s Degree in
Pharmacology/Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Forensic Science or equivalent from a
recognised University with evidence of specialization in Narcotics and Drugs.(ii) Seven
years post M.Sc. experience in research training and analytical work in one of the
above or allied subjects. (Research work done for doing Ph.D. Degree shall be counted
in total experience).
Desirable Qualification.: Ph.D. Degree with knowledge of narcotics & Drugs
Name of Post(s):Deputy Director,DNA,
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.12000-15,500/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:-At least 2nd class Master’s Degree in Molecular
Biology/Human Biology / Human Genetics/Bio Technology/Microbiology/Forensic
Science/Physical Anthropology/Bio Chemistry or equivalent from a recognised
University with evidence of specialization in D.N.A. analysis/profiling.
(ii) Ten years post M.Sc. Experience in DNA research training and analytical
work.(Research work done for doing Ph.D. Degree shall be counted in total
Desirable Qualifications.: Ph.D.Degree with experience of working in D.N.A.
Division of a Forensic Science Laboratory.
Desirable Qualifications common for all the posts i.e. item (1-XI-B):- Knowledge of
customs ,manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Contd. Next page.
Relaxation in upper age limit:- Relaxation in upper age is five years for SC / ST / OBC/
WFF / Physically Handicapped/ Visually Impaired/ Blind/ Hearing Impaired candidates of H.P.
For Govt. employees and Ex-servicemen of H.P. relaxation is as per Government instruction.
Eligibility :The eligibility of the candidates in terms of essential qualification, experience etc.
shall be reckoned as on the last normal date of receipt of applications i.e 30-07-2009.
Fee:- Fee in shape of Bank draft in favour of Secretary, H.P. Public Service Commission for
Rs. 250/-(Rupees two hundred fifty)only, Rs.63/-(Rupees sixty three for SC/ST/OBC of
H.P.only), payable at Shimla, must accompany the applications and send to the Secretary
,HPPSC, Nigam Vihar , Shimla-171002 (HP). Ex-servicemen unless discharged at their own
request before completion of normal tenure and Visually impaired candidates of H.P. are
exempted from payment of application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
1.Onus of proving that candidate is qualified shall be on the candidate. In case no date of
notification/declaration of final result is mentioned in any certificate the date of issue of
certificate shall be deemed date of obtaining E.Q. Incomplete, defectively filled up , old,
unsigned and zeroxed application forms will be rejected straightway and no subsequent
correspondence will be entertained.
2.Inservice candidates may apply to the Commission as advance copy with information
to their Head of Departments/Employer for issuing NOC. No inservice candidate will
be interviewed unless he/she brings NOC from the concerned employer.3.Category like
General/ SC/ ST/ OBC etc. once claimed in the application form will not be
substituted/changed later on .
4.Number of post(s) is / are tentative and may increase or decrease for different categories of
5.Attested copies of testimonials / documents in support of age/ date of birth, category to
which he / she belongs as applicable, educational qualification and experience besides fee in
shape of bank draft must be enclosed with the application, failing which application will be
rejected. Separate application will have to be sent for each category of post(s).
6. The candidates belonging to reserve categories (except Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe
and Ward of Freedom Fighter) are required to give with their application a self declaration,
format of which is given at the end of application form in support of their claim for such a
category. However, category certificates will be produced by them at the time of viva-voce.
7. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for
admission to interview or selection will be final and no correspondence / personal
enquiries will be entertained. The Commission will not be responsible for any delay in
receipt of applications, due to any reasons whatsoever.
8.Candidate(s ) must possess SC/ST/OBC certificate(s) on parental basis of H.P.
9.Candidates belonging to reserved categories of other States will be considered as General
category candidates.
10.If the number of candidates is very large in a particular category of post(s) , screening test
will be held to shortlist the candidates.
11. Key of Screening Test will be put up on Website of the Commission before the
declaration of result and objection(s) thereon , if any, received within seven days
of display of key will only be entertained .
Note:-(i):The candidates must attach self addressed post card with application for
acknowledgement , indicating the name of the post applied for ,date of dispatch and Bank
Draft No.
(ii):Re-checking / Re-evaluation will not be allowed .
(iii):Disputes, if any , shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
ABBREVIATION: HP: Himachal Pradesh, PSC: Public Service Commission, S.C.: Scheduled
Caste of HP, S.T.: Scheduled Tribe of HP, OBC: Other Backward Classes of H.P.as declared by
the Govt. of HP from time to time, XSM: Ex-serviceman of H.P.,WFF:Ward of Freedom
Fighter of H.P., Gen.:General Category,Ortho.H.C :Orthopaedically Handicapped of H.P.E.Q.:
Essential qualifications, D.Q.: Desirable qualifications.
Advertisement No. V/2009
Date of Publication: 01-07-2009
Applications are invited from the citizens of India for
the following post(s) in different Departments of H.P. on the proforma given below by
30-07-2009. Last date for receipt of applications for the candidates residing in
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep, Ladakah Division of J&K State , Sikkim,
Assam , Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh,
Bharmour & Pangi Sub Div. of Chamba Distt. , Dodrakwar Sub Division of Shimla
Distt., Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh , whose applications
are received by post from these areas is 14-08-2009. Applications received after last
date(s) will be rejected straightway. Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given
here under against such post(s):-
Name of Post(s): Sub Editor, Class-II
(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts: 01 post reserved for
Visually impaired persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :-Rs. 6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- Should be Graduate from a recognised University: and( ii)
Degree or Diploma in the trade of Journalism or Public Relations or its equivalent from a
recognised University or an Institution duly recognised by the Government of India or
Government of Himachal Pradesh. .
Desirable Qualification.: Three years experience in Journalism as evidenced by the articles
published in the news papers /journals standing or newspapers/journals brought out by the
Govt. Publicity Organisation or experience of work of the similar nature in the office of the
news papers.
Name of Post(s): Asstt.Public Relations
Officer,Class-II(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts to be filled on contract
basis : 03 posts (General=02, General.
XSM of H.P.=01,
No. of posts to be filled on regular basis
:General Visually Impaired. of H.P.=01
(back log)
Pay Scale :- For Contractual
Posts=Rs.9600/- Fixed salary . For
Regular Post=Rs. 6400-10640/- ,
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- 1. Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognised
University .
2. Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication/Public Relations or its equivalent or post
Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication/Public Relations from a recognised
Desirable Qualifications: ii) Published material such as features and articles in Newspapers or
Journals of standing Newspapers and working experience of professional nature in any Govt. /
Public Sector Undertakings /Media Organization of standing.
(II) Department of Industries, H.P.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Geologist,
Class-I ,Gazetted,on contract basis
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
General Visually Impaired persons of
Pay Scale :-Fixed emoluments of Rs.
10830/- per month
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:(i) M.Sc. Degree in Geology or applied Geology from a
recognised University or its equivalent. Or Diploma in applied Geology from the
Indian School of Mines ,Dhanbad.(ii) 02 years practical experience in the field.
Contd. Next page.
(III) Department of Town & Country Planning ,H.P.
Name of Post(s): Senior Planning
Draughtsman ,Class-II(Non Gazetted)
No. of Posts:01 post reserved for
Visually Impaired Persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :- 6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:- B Tech. Degree in Urban /City/Town /Regional Planning or
its equivalent from a recognised University recognised or from an Institute duly
recognised by the Central/H.P.Govt.
(IV) Department of Agriculture, H.P.
Name of Post(s): Secretary, Class-
I,(Gazetted)Grade’A’on contract basis
No. of Posts : 05 posts(General=04,
General Visually Impaired persons of
Pay Scale :- Rs. 7220-11660/-
Contractual amount Basic Pay+D.P.
(Rs.11830/-) PM.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.:(a)B.Sc.(Agr./Hort.)or M.Sc. (Agr./Hort.) followed by MBA
preferably in Agr.Business from any recognised University/Institution or diploma in
Marketing Management from recognised University or Institution.
Desirable Qualification.:(i)Possessing 05 years experience on Agricultural produce
mainly in Govt./Public Sector Undertaking Autonomous Body.
(V)Department of Health & Family Welfare.
Name of Post(s): Medical Officer, Class-
I, Gazetted,
No. of Posts: 16 posts (General XSM of
H.P.=08, Gen.Physical Handicapped of
H.P.=02, S.C.XSM of H.P.==02,
S.C.WFF of H.P.=01,S.T.XSM of H.P.=-
1, OBC of H.P.=01 & OBC XSM of
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with
initial start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications :- (a) (i) Recognised Medical qualification included in the
first or second schedule or part-II of the third schedule (other than licentiate
qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council, Act, 1956. Holders of Educational
Qualification included in Part II of third schedule should fulfil the conditions
stipulated in sub-section (3)of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.(ii)
Completion of Compulsory rotating internship.
(b) Desirable Qualification.: A post graduate qualification from a recognised
Institution in the discipline i.e. Anaesthesia ,Obstetrics , Gynaecology & Surgery
possessing MD or MS (Anaesthesiology ). FF ARCSs (By examination with)
Anaesthesiology as a special subject , speciality Board of Anaesthesiology) (U.S.A.),
MD or MS (Obstetrics & MS Midwifery & Gynaecology ) Speciality Board of obstetric
and Gynaecology (USA) and MS(Surgery/General Surgery)FRCS Speciality Board of
(VI) – (A) Public Works Department,H.P.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Engineer
(Mechanical) ,Class-I,Gazetted.(backlog)
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
Orthopaedically Handicapped persons of
H.P./Hearing Impaired persons of H.P./
(preference will be given to Orthopaedically
Handicapped Persons).
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with initial
start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications:-Must possess a degree in Mechanical Engineering or its
equivalent from an institution /University duly recognised by the Central/State Govt.
Contd. Next page.
Name of Post(s): Assistant Architect ,Class-
No. of Posts : 01 post reserved for
Orthopaedically Handicapped persons of
H.P./ Hearing Impaired persons of H.P./
(preference will be given to Orthopaedically
Handicapped persons.
Pay Scale :- Rs.7880-13500/- with initial
start of Rs. 8000/-
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:- (i) Degree in Architecture or its equivalent from an
recognised University or an Institute duly recognised by the Central/State Govt.
(ii) At least two years experience in the field of Architecture after qualifying for the
degree in Architecture . Preference will be given to those Architects who gets
registration under the Architect Act,1972.
Name of post: Asstt.Engineer
(Electrical), Class-I Gazetted
No. of posts:01 post reserved for
General Orthopaedically Handicapped
Persons of H.P./ Hearing Impaired
persons of H.P./ (preference will be given
to Orthopaedically Handicapped persons.
Pay Scale:Rs.7880-13500/- with a start
of Rs. 8000/- (entry scale)
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Essential Qualifications.: Must possess a degree in Electrical Engineering or its
equivalent from an Institution /University recognised by Central/State Government.
(VII)Department of Technical Education ,Vocational & Industrial , H.P.
Name of Post(s): Lecturer
No. of Posts : 01 post General.
Pay Scale :- Rs.8000-13500/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:-First Class Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of
specialization in Pharmacy.
(VIII) Department of Planning,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Research
Officer,Class-II,Non Gazetted
No. of Posts:-01 post reserved for Deaf
persons of General Category of H.P..
Pay Scale :-Rs.6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:- Master’s Degree in Economics with Statistics /Master’s
Degree in Mathematics /Master’s Degree in Statistics or its equivalent from a
recognised University.
Desirable Qualifications.:- (i) Three years experience in the field of collection
compilation of statistical data. (ii) Preference will be given to those who have higher
qualifications and experience in the line.
(IX) Department of Food ,Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Law Officer
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.6400-10640/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications .:- Law Graduate with practice of at least 03 years in High
Court or District Court and experience in Income Tax, Sales Tax & contract cases in
Court or in an Office.
(X)-A Department of MPP& Power.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Engineer
(Mechanical),Class-I, Gazetted on
contract basis
No. of Posts:-01 post reserved for
Hearing Impaired Persons of H.P.
Pay Scale :-Fixed Emoluments i.e.
Basic pay Rs. 8550/-+ 50% D.P.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-
01-2009(enclose matric certificate for
age proof)
Contd. Next page.
Essential Qualifications.:- Recognised Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its
Desirable Qualification.:-(a) Experience of working in Design/Construction in hilly
Name of post: Asstt.Engineer Electrical ,
Class –I, Gazetted on Contract Basis .
No. of posts: Visually Impaired persons
of H.P. =02, Hearing Impaired persons
of H.P.=02(backlog)
Pay Scale: Fixed emoluments i.e. Basic
pay Rs.8550 + 50% D.P.
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: Recognised Degree in Electrical Engineering(EE)/ Degree in
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) or its equivalent from recognised
Desirable Qualification.: (a) Experience of working in design /Constructions in hilly
(X)-C :
Name of Post: Asstt.Engineer (Civil)
,Class-I,Gazetted.on Contract Basis.
No. of posts: 01 post reserved for
Visually Impaired persons of H.P.
Pay Scale : Fixed emoluments i.e. Basic
Pay Rs. 8550+50% DP
Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: Recognised Degree in Civil Engineering or its equivalent .
Desirable Qualification.: (a) Experience of working in Design / Construction in hilly
(XI)-(A) Department of Home,H.P.
Name of Post(s):Assistant Director,
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.10025-15100/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.: a)::I): At least 2nd class Master’s Degree in
Pharmacology/Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Forensic Science or equivalent from a
recognised University with evidence of specialization in Narcotics and Drugs.(ii) Seven
years post M.Sc. experience in research training and analytical work in one of the
above or allied subjects. (Research work done for doing Ph.D. Degree shall be counted
in total experience).
Desirable Qualification.: Ph.D. Degree with knowledge of narcotics & Drugs
Name of Post(s):Deputy Director,DNA,
No. of Posts:-01 post General
Pay Scale :-Rs.12000-15,500/- Age:-Between 18-45 years as on 01-01-
2009(enclose matric certificate for age
Essential Qualifications.:-At least 2nd class Master’s Degree in Molecular
Biology/Human Biology / Human Genetics/Bio Technology/Microbiology/Forensic
Science/Physical Anthropology/Bio Chemistry or equivalent from a recognised
University with evidence of specialization in D.N.A. analysis/profiling.
(ii) Ten years post M.Sc. Experience in DNA research training and analytical
work.(Research work done for doing Ph.D. Degree shall be counted in total
Desirable Qualifications.: Ph.D.Degree with experience of working in D.N.A.
Division of a Forensic Science Laboratory.
Desirable Qualifications common for all the posts i.e. item (1-XI-B):- Knowledge of
customs ,manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in
peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Contd. Next page.
Relaxation in upper age limit:- Relaxation in upper age is five years for SC / ST / OBC/
WFF / Physically Handicapped/ Visually Impaired/ Blind/ Hearing Impaired candidates of H.P.
For Govt. employees and Ex-servicemen of H.P. relaxation is as per Government instruction.
Eligibility :The eligibility of the candidates in terms of essential qualification, experience etc.
shall be reckoned as on the last normal date of receipt of applications i.e 30-07-2009.
Fee:- Fee in shape of Bank draft in favour of Secretary, H.P. Public Service Commission for
Rs. 250/-(Rupees two hundred fifty)only, Rs.63/-(Rupees sixty three for SC/ST/OBC of
H.P.only), payable at Shimla, must accompany the applications and send to the Secretary
,HPPSC, Nigam Vihar , Shimla-171002 (HP). Ex-servicemen unless discharged at their own
request before completion of normal tenure and Visually impaired candidates of H.P. are
exempted from payment of application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
1.Onus of proving that candidate is qualified shall be on the candidate. In case no date of
notification/declaration of final result is mentioned in any certificate the date of issue of
certificate shall be deemed date of obtaining E.Q. Incomplete, defectively filled up , old,
unsigned and zeroxed application forms will be rejected straightway and no subsequent
correspondence will be entertained.
2.Inservice candidates may apply to the Commission as advance copy with information
to their Head of Departments/Employer for issuing NOC. No inservice candidate will
be interviewed unless he/she brings NOC from the concerned employer.3.Category like
General/ SC/ ST/ OBC etc. once claimed in the application form will not be
substituted/changed later on .
4.Number of post(s) is / are tentative and may increase or decrease for different categories of
5.Attested copies of testimonials / documents in support of age/ date of birth, category to
which he / she belongs as applicable, educational qualification and experience besides fee in
shape of bank draft must be enclosed with the application, failing which application will be
rejected. Separate application will have to be sent for each category of post(s).
6. The candidates belonging to reserve categories (except Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe
and Ward of Freedom Fighter) are required to give with their application a self declaration,
format of which is given at the end of application form in support of their claim for such a
category. However, category certificates will be produced by them at the time of viva-voce.
7. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for
admission to interview or selection will be final and no correspondence / personal
enquiries will be entertained. The Commission will not be responsible for any delay in
receipt of applications, due to any reasons whatsoever.
8.Candidate(s ) must possess SC/ST/OBC certificate(s) on parental basis of H.P.
9.Candidates belonging to reserved categories of other States will be considered as General
category candidates.
10.If the number of candidates is very large in a particular category of post(s) , screening test
will be held to shortlist the candidates.
11. Key of Screening Test will be put up on Website of the Commission before the
declaration of result and objection(s) thereon , if any, received within seven days
of display of key will only be entertained .
Note:-(i):The candidates must attach self addressed post card with application for
acknowledgement , indicating the name of the post applied for ,date of dispatch and Bank
Draft No.
(ii):Re-checking / Re-evaluation will not be allowed .
(iii):Disputes, if any , shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
ABBREVIATION: HP: Himachal Pradesh, PSC: Public Service Commission, S.C.: Scheduled
Caste of HP, S.T.: Scheduled Tribe of HP, OBC: Other Backward Classes of H.P.as declared by
the Govt. of HP from time to time, XSM: Ex-serviceman of H.P.,WFF:Ward of Freedom
Fighter of H.P., Gen.:General Category,Ortho.H.C :Orthopaedically Handicapped of H.P.E.Q.:
Essential qualifications, D.Q.: Desirable qualifications.