January 30, 2010


R&D Engineer and Research Associate positions in Neurospectroscopy and Neuroimaging Laboratory

Name of the Post: “R&D Engineer”.
Essential Qualification: B.Tech/B.E
Desirable Qualification: M.E/M.Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics, Computer Science or Ph.D in Physics
Project Investigator : Dr. Pravat K Mandal (Neurospectroscopy and Neuroimaging Laboratory)
Click here to Visit Dr. Mandal's Lab Website
Applicants should be strong in the following Areas:-
  • Matlab and C/C++ programming,
  • Shell scripting
  • Image processing (MRI / MRS data)
Desirable quality
  • Efficient in scientific writing
  • Should be comfortable to work in a multidisciplinary environment Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- p.m consolidated
  • Name of the Post: Research Associate”.
    Project Investigator :: Dr. Pravat K Mandal (Neurospectroscopy and Neuroimaging Laboratory)
    Click here to Visit Dr. Mandal's Lab Website
    Essential Qualification: Ph.D in physical Science/neuroscience
    Desirable quality
    • Efficient in scientific writing
    • Should be comfortable to work in a multidisciplinary environment
    Emoluments: Rs.16,000/- p.m

    General Insturctions 
    1. Eligible candidates can submit their bio-data along with attested copies of certificates in support of their qualifications and experience mentioned in the bio-data latest by 17th Feb. 2010 to “The Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar, 122 050, Distt- Gurgaon (Haryana).
    2. Interested candidates can directly contact Principal Investigator Dr. Pravat K Mandal, Neurospectroscopy and Neuroimaging Laboratory by email pravat@nbrc.ac.in or to discuss on research matters.
      Second sleeper class train fare will be reimbursed from project funds to  the candidates for attending the interview on production of tickets.
    3. Duration   : The tenure will be for a period of 1 year and extendable on review and  on mutual agreement.  The post is co-terminus with the project.  Selected candidate should  abide by the rules and regulations of NBRC.
    4. Funding Agency:  Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India)
    5. Hostel facility : Accommodation may be provided  as per rules of NBRC and as per availability in the Hostel at NBRC Campus,Manesar.
    6. Deadline for application17th Feb., 2010
  • http://www.nbrc.ac.in/Project_Staff.html