January 07, 2010


                                      NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY
                        Headquarters Office, Personnel Department, Allahabad

                      FOR THE YEAR 2009-10
                      Employment Notice No. P/NCR/S&G/09-10
                      Closing Date: 29.01.2010 at 18.00 hrs.
Application are invited for recruitment to 2 (two) Posts in Group ‘C’ category
Unreserved clerk cum typist against scout & guide quota for the year 2009-10. The
willing candidate can apply on the prescribed format Annex. –‘A’.
1.0 Pay Scale:- Rs. 5200-20200+Grade pay 1900/-(RSRP)
2.Education Qualifications:
2.1 The candidate should have minimum qualification of matriculation or equivalentexamination passed with 50 % aggregate or higher qualification. The condition of
50% marks is not applicable for those with higher qualification.
2.2 Minimum Qualification in Scout & Guide:
The candidate should have the following certificates.
(A) President’s Scout/Guide/Ranger/Rover OR Himalayan wood badge Holder

OR A pre HWB trained Scouts Leader/Advanced Trained Guide/Leader/Captiain.
(B) Should have been an active member of a Scouts Organization for at least 3
years in the recent past and should be active at present.
(C) Should have attended at least one event at national level and one or two
events at State level OR should have a good record of participation in
Scouts/Guide activities at unit/District level.
3.0 Age:
The candidate should be aged between 18 to 30 years as on 01.01.2010. There is
no age relaxation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities.
4.0 Mode of Selection:- The selection of the eligible candidates will be done on the
basis of folloing procedure :-
i written test.(objective type question) : 50 Marks
ii. Scouts/Guide qualification over and above the minimum
Prescribed as eligibility condition : 35 Marks
iii. Personality test/Interview : 15 Marks
Total : 100 Marks
(Note: The candidate who will obtained 40% marks in written test will be called
for personality test/interview as per merit.
5.0 Syllabus for Written Examination: - All Syllabus i.e. “History of
Scouting/Guiding; Law & Promise; Organization-Distt & State level, Knowledge
of Book, Scouting for Boys/Guiding for Girls in India, Motto left hand Shake;
Salute; Prayer; Flag Song; National Anthem; Know of the National & Scouting
flags; Social Services at Various Occasions; Hiking; Proficiency Badges, How
these are earned? Stages in Scouting /Guiding, Thinking Day; Progressive
Training of Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers; Pioneering; Handicrafts: Indian
Railway Jamboree, National Jamboree: Jamboree on the Air. Organization at
National level; National Training Centers, WAGGGS/WOSM Uprashtrapati
Award Competition; Prime Minister shield Competition; Community
Development Programmes; Aims and Methods of scouting; How scouting is
useful in producing better citizens etc.?
6.0 Condition for Recruitment:-
6.1 Before applying candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills the minimum
eligibility norms.
6.2 Candidate selected for appointment will have to pass requisite Medical Fitness
Test conducted by the Railway Administration.
6.3 SC/ST candidates shall be eligible for free traveling facility (2nd class Railway
pass) from nearest Railway Station and exemption from examination fee. If they
shall urnish the caste certificate issued by competent authority on prescribed
proforma for ecruitment in central government services.
6.4 Selected candidate has to acquire typing skill of 25 words in Hindi or 30 words in
English within the period of 2 year, after appointment. If he/she will not acquire
the requisite typing skill within 2 years, his/her services will be terminated
without any notice.
6.5 The service of Scout & Guide of selected candidate will be utilized by the
administration for arranging activities/events etc.
7.0 Serving Candidates:
The candidate who is working in any Government or public sector undertaking
including Railway should send the application through concerned department.
The candidate should submit the application well in advance to the department so
that after forwarding it should reach in this office before the closing date. No
advance copy of the application will be entertained.
8.0 Examination Fee (Non refundable)
8.1 (a) For GL/OBC candidates: Rs. 40/-
(b) For SC/ST candidates: Rs. Nil.
8.2 Mode of Examination Fee Payment: The examination fee Rs. 40/- should be
paid in the form of IPO drawn in favor of FA&CAO, North Central Railway,
Allahabad and Payable at GPO Allahabad. The candidate should write his/her
name and address on the IPO. IPO’s obtained earlier to the date of issued of the
employment notice will not be accepted.Cheque/Bank Drafts will not be accepted
and application shall be rejected.
9.0 How to apply:
9.1 Application shall be submitted on A-4 size quality white paper and should be in
conformity with the format given in the notice. Candidates are advised to ensure
that the application is legible, written in own handwriting (English/Hindi) on only
one side of the paper, dated and signed. Use only international numerals (1,2,3,
etc.). The candidate should affix his/her normal (English/Hindi) signature at the
space provided in the application form.
9.2 Photograph: One recent passport size photograph with clear front view of the
candidate in normal attire without cap/sunglasses/wigs (not earlier than one month
of the date of application) should be pasted on the application in the space
provided and signed by the candidate on the top of the photograph and two same
photograph to be firmly stitched to the application form.
10.0 Enclosures:
The following enclosures should firmly be attached along with application:
10.1 Crossed IPO for the amount Rs. 40/- should be firmly tied/annexed on the top of the
application form mentioning the numbers, date of issue and name of issuing post
office etc. in the appropriate column in the application form.
10.2 Attested Xerox copy of Matriculation or equivalent certificate in proof of age.
10.3 Attested Xerox copies of academics and Scout & Guide qualification certificate and
mark sheet.
10.4 Attested Xerox copy of caste certificate issued from competent authority, in the case
of SC/ST.
11.0 Whom to apply: .
11.1 The application complete in all respect along with all the enclosures duly attached
should be sent in a envelop address to the Dy Chief Personnel Officer (Rectt)
North Central Railway, Personnel Branch ‘B’ Block, GM’s Building Subedarganj,
Allahabad. Application should be sent by ordinary post only OR drop in the box
kept in the office for the purpose. Application sent by registered post OR courier
OR speed post will not be accepted /received and acknowledged.
11.2 Application for recruitment of scout and guide quota for the year 2009-10” should
be written on the top of the envelops.
12.0 The closing date for receipt of the application is on 29.01.2010 up to 18.00 hrs.
Application received after closing date and time will not be entertained.
13.0 Wrong or incomplete application shall be rejected. The Railway Administration
will not be responsible for any postal delay OR wrong delivery.
14.0 Log on to our website www.ncr.railnet.gov.in for updates regarding the recruitment
and for downloading the application form.
15.0 Railway administration reserves the right to rectify any omission in Notification