January 23, 2010


                         UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION
                         Advt. No. 02 Invited the Application forms for the following Posts


·          Assistant Directors in General Fertilizer Quality control &Training Institute
                          And its Regional laboratories.
·          Post 02 For OBC.
·          Pay Scale 15600-39100 GP 5400
·          Master Degree in chemical, Agricultural chemistry, or Soil Science from
                  a recognized university
·          Experience Three year experience in Analitical works in the field of fertilisers


2         Professor( Electrical & Electronics Engineering) In Navel Academy, Ezhimala.
·          Posts 02 posts is suitable for physically handicapped candidate.
·          Pay scale 16400-22400
·          Age Maximum 50 Year
·          Qualification Ph.D. degree with first class Bachelor Degree in Electrical/electronics
·          Experience 10 year Industrial/ Professional 5 year as a senior.
3         Assistant Professor(computer science & Egg in Navel Academy
·          Posts 01 posts is suitable for physically handicapped candidate
·          Pay Scale 12000-18300
·          Qualification Ph.D. degree with first class Bachelor Degree in computer science and Egg.
·          Experience 05 year Industrial/ Professional
4         Assistant Professor(control and Instrumentation in Navel Academy)
·          Posts 01 posts is suitable for physically handicapped candidate
·          Pay Scale 12000-18300
·          Qualification Ph.D. degree with first class Bachelor Degree in control and Instrumentation
·          Experience 05 year Industrial/ Professional
5          Lecturers( Electronics and communication Engineering) In Navel Academy, Ezhimala.
·          Posts 03 posts is suitable for physically handicapped candidate.
·          Pay scale 12000-18300
·          Age Maximum 35 Year
·          Qualification  first class Bachelor Degree in Electronics and communication Engineering
6          Lecturers(control and Instrumentation) In Navel Academy, Ezhimala.
·          Posts 01 OBC.
·          Pay scale 12000-18300
·          Age Maximum 35 Year
·          Qualification  first class Bachelor Degree in control and Instrumentation

7         Assistant Professor(Forensic Medicine)
·          Post 05, 01 for sc, 01 for  OBC
·          Pay scale 15600-39100 GP 6600 +NPA
·          Age 45 Year.
·          Qualification MD (Forensic Medicine), 3 Year Teaching experience

8         Assistant Professor( Radio Diagnosis)
·          Posts 06 ,SC-01, OBC-01, ST-01.
·          Pay scale 15600-39100 GP 6600 +NPA
·          Qualification MD (Radio Diagnosis), 3 Year Teaching experience

9         Education Officer / Assistant Director of Education in the Directorate of Education
·          Posts 20, SC-01, ST-02, OBC-07, the posts are also suitable for physically handicapped.
·          Pay scale 15600-39100 GP 7600
·          Age. 45 Year.
·          Qualification
                        Master degree in Humanities or Science and 10 Humanities or Science and 10 Year teaching
10      reservation as per central government Rules
11      Last date 11-02-2010.
12      Address Secretary Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur house New Delhi
13      Web Site www.upsc.gov.in