April 11, 2009


(Ref.No.F.1/54/2009-R-II) Three Assistant Soil Survey Officers in Soil & Land Use Survey of India, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture. Out of three posts, two posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : Master’s Degree in Soil Science or Agriculture with Soil Science or Agricultural Chemistry or Soil Conservation as a subject from a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Three years’ field / research experience in Soil Survey and / or Soil Conservation. Desirable : Experience / advanced training in Aerial Photo Interpretation or any other Branch of Soil Conservation including Survey, planning and monitoring. DUTIES : To review soil survey and mapping work, guidance to field parties for preparation of mapping legend, pre-field interpretation of base maps, such as toposheets, aerial photographs and satellite imagery. Application of remote sensing and GIS in soil survey, editing of reports etc. HQ : Any Regional Centre of SLUSI.
2. (Ref.No.F.1/64/2009-R-VI) Eight Barrack Stores Officers in Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Integrated Headquarter, Ministry of Defence(Army). Out of the eight posts, one post is reserved for SC and two posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Of the eight posts, one post is reserved for Physically Handicapped persons with disability of One Arm affected(OA) or One Leg affected(OL)(mobility not to be restricted) or PD(Partially Deaf)(with suitable aids) belonging to any community. The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped person with disability as mentioned above. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : Degree in Engineering of a recognized University or equivalent. OR Post Graduate Degree in Arts, Science or Commerce of a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Three years’ experience in supervisory capacity in the Estate work, including holding charge of stores preferably Construction / Engineering Stores. DUTIES : Forecast, planning, procurement, preservation and disposal of material & resources, maintenance of revenue records, recovery of any arrears of revenue etc
3. (Ref.No.F.1/65/2009-R-VI) Sixteen Assistant Architects, Gr.II in the Military Engineer Services, Ministry of Defence. Out of the sixteen posts, three posts are reserved for SC, one post is reserved for ST and four posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Of the sixteen posts, one post is reserved for Physically Handicapped persons with disability of One Leg affected(OL)(Mobility not to be restricted) or PD(Partially Deaf). The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons with disability as mentioned above. Qualifications : Essential : Educational : i) Bachelor’s degree in Architecture of a recognized University or equivalent. ii) Should be registered with the council of Architecture. Desirable : One year’s experience in the Profession as an Architect. DUTIES : To prepare & assist his seniors in the preparation of architectural designs of multi-storey residential, office buildings, troops, single/married accommodations, technical, educational and special accommodations, preparation of lay out for units, to attend various Boards of Officers etc.
4. (Ref.No.F.1/26/2009-R-VI) Seven Junior Technical Officers(Instruments) in DGQA, Department of Defence Production & Supplies, Ministry of Defence. Out of seven posts, one post each is reserved for SC & OBC candidates. Of the seven posts, one post is reserved for Physically Handicapped[Hearing Handicapped(HH)] persons belonging to any community. The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons with disability as mentioned above. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : M.Sc(Physics) or M.Sc(Electronics) or B.E.(Electronics) from a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Two years’ practical experience in quality assurance in instruments. Desirable : Certificate of proficiency in German or French or Russian or Japanese or Chinese language from a recognized University or Institute. DUTIES : The officer shall be responsible for quality assurance, acceptance, inspection of equipments, arms, ammunitions and stores; defect investigation, trials, vetting of draft indents / agreements / supply orders, sampling plans, liaison with production units, removal of bottlenecks and suggesting methods of improvement of quality.
5. (Ref.No.F.1/32/2009-R-VI)Twenty Junior Technical Officers(Vehicles) in DGQA, Department of Defence Production & Supplies, Ministry of Defence. Out of twenty posts, three posts are reserved for SC, two posts are reserved for ST and six posts are reserved for OBC candidates. Of the twenty posts, one post is reserved for Physically Handicapped (Orthopaedically Handicapped / Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy with One Arm(OA) affected) persons belonging to any community. The posts are also suitable for Physically Handicapped persons with disability as mentioned above. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : B.E. / B.Tech in Mechanical / Automobile Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent. OR M.Sc (Physics) with Electronics specialization from a recognized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Two years’ practical experience in work relating to quality management in general and quality assurance in one of the following fields. Mechanical Engineering :- Manufacture and quality assurance of various automotive systems/ Assembly/Components. Automobile Engineering :- Manufacture / Assembly and quality assurance of automotive systems and emphasis on performance Engineering of vehicles. Desirable: Qualification & Duties : Same as in Item No.4 above.
6. (Ref.No.F.1/60/2009-R-I) Ten Specialists, Grade – II(Junior Scale) (Obst. & Gynaecology), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Central Health Service(Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-Cadre). Out of ten posts, two posts each are reserved for SC & OBC candidates. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : i) A recognised medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than Licentiate Qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section 13 of the IMC Act, 1956. ii) Post- Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality i.e., M.D.(Obst. & Gynae.) / M.S.(Obst. & Gynae.) / MD(Mid & Gynae) / MS(Mid & Gynae) / MO / MRCOG, Speciality Board of Obst. & Gynae(USA) / Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. B. Experience : Three years’ experience in the concerned speciality after obtaining the Post-graduate Degree or five years’ experience after obtaining the Post-Graduate Diploma. NOTE: I: The Medical qualifications possessed by the candidates should have the recognition of the Medical Council of India. NOTE : II : In so far as post-graduate medical qualifications awarded by Indian Universities are concerned, they should also find a place in the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, as amended from time to time. NOTE: III: Holders of speciality Board of USA qualification should complete the entire requirements of the Board concerned. DUTIES : To conduct and guide research work in the speciality. To render patient care in the speciality. Any other duties that may be assigned by the authorities from time to time. HQ : Initial posting will be in A&N island and Lakshadweep Island. However, the selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS : The other conditions of service will be as laid down in the CHS Rules, 1996 and other rules in force from time to time in particular :- (A) Private practice of any kind whatsoever shall not be allowed including any consultation and laboratory practice. (B) The candidate selected, if so required, shall be liable to serve in any Defence Service, or post connected with the Defence of India, for a period of not less than four years including the period spent in training, if any, provided that : i) He/She will not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of 10 years from the date of appointment or from the date of joining the service. ii) He/She will not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of 45 years.
8. (Ref.No.F.1/53/2009-R-I) Two Readers(Paediatrics) in Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, Department of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Administration. Qualifications : Essential : A. Educational : i) A basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956) and must be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register. ii) M.D.(Paediatrics) from a recognized University / Institution or equivalent. B. Experience : Five years’ teaching experience in the concerned Speciality after acquiring post-graduate qualification as Assistant Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in a recognized Medical College / Teaching Institution. Desirable : Minimum four Research Publications indexed in index Medicus / National Journals. DUTIES : The duties of Reader(Paediatrics) are to teach the undergraduate(MBBS) and Post-graduate students, Resident Doctors, Interns, Paramedical staff and Research work. HQ : The officer selected will be required to serve in Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh. He shall be liable to serve in any of the Rural Health Centres of the Chandigarh Administration, if so required. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS : i) The candidate so appointed shall have to join his duties within one month from the date of issue of appointment letter. ii) Private practice of any kind, including laboratory and consultant practice, will be strictly prohibited. iii) The candidate so appointed in this institute shall not be allowed to apply for the post for employment outside the Administration for a period of two years from the date of joining the post.
1. Candidates are requested to apply in the format published along with this Advertisement No. 07 and NOT write to the Commission for application forms. They are also requested to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published below before applying.
2. NATURE OF POST : All posts belong to General Central Service except otherwise mentioned.
a) Posts at S. Nos.1,2,3,4 & 5 are permanent
b) Posts at S. Nos.6,7 & 8 are temporary
3. PAY SCALE & CLASSIFICATION : (Figures in bracket at the
end of the pay scale indicate the approx total emoluments(per month) excluding CCA and HRA at the minimum of the scale).
a)Rs.15600-39100+ Rs.5400(Grade pay) (T.E.Rs.25620) (Revised Scale) Group ‘A’ Gazetted for the posts at S.No.1 above.
b)Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4600 (Grade pay) (T.E.Rs.16958)(Revised Scale) Group ‘B’ Gazetted for the posts at S.Nos.4 &5 above
c) Rs.15600-39100+Rs.6600(Grade pay) +NPA (T.E. Rs. 27084 + NPA) (Revised Scale) Group ‘A’ for the posts at S.No.7 above.
d)Rs.10000-325-15200+NPA(T.E. Rs.22050+NPA)(Pre-revised) Group ‘A’ for the posts at S.No.6 above.
e) Rs.16350-450-18600-500-20100+NPA(T.E.Rs.36052+NPA)(Pre-Revised) Group ‘A’ Gazetted for the posts at S.No.8 above.
f) Rs.6500-200-10500(T.E. Rs.14333)(Pre-revised) Group ‘B’ Gazetted for the posts at S.Nos.2 & 3 above.
a) Not exceeding 50 years for the posts at S. No.8
b) Not exceeding 45 years for the posts at S. Nos.6 & 7
c) Not exceeding 35 years for the posts at S. No.1
d) Not exceeding 30 years for the posts at S.Nos.2,3,4 & 5
N.B. The age limit shown against all S.Nos. is normal age limit. Age is relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST candidates and upto 3 years for OBC candidates in respect of vacancies reserved for them. AGE IS ALSO RELAXABLE FOR CENTRAL/UT GOVT SERVANTS UPTO FIVE YEARS AS PER THE INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY GOVT OF INDIA FROM TIME TO TIME. For age concession applicable to other categories of applicants please see relevant paras of the Instructions to Candidates for recruitment by Selection.
NOTE : Candidates with disabilities[ as indicated against Item(s)] can apply to the respective posts even if the post is not reserved for them. However, such candidates will be considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation and other relaxations as permissible under the rules
5. HEADQUARTERS: At places specifically stated against certain posts, otherwise anywhere in India or aboard.
6. PROBATION: The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rule.
7. The qualifications granted in United Kingdom shall be recognized medical qualification only when granted on or before 11.11.78. This shall apply to both EQ(i) & EQ (ii) above